Episode 149 – The Haunted Peak

January 2014
There are many legends told about the Haunted Peak, but the road that winds past it holds a story of its own.
By Mick Bordet
January 2014
There are many legends told about the Haunted Peak, but the road that winds past it holds a story of its own.
By Mick Bordet
The annual Glasgow versus Edinburgh Celebrity Monuments 5-a-side football match could be in jeopardy when James Watt takes the Glasgow team for pre-match drinks.
by Mick Bordet
Brem watched his future disappear into the lake as the bridge withdrew from the island, but the was not about to let the opportunity pass.
by Mick Bordet
Earlier this month we were invited onto the ‘Get Published’ podcast, hosted by Michell Plested, the author of “Galaxy Billies”, “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero” and the EPT story ‘You Can Never Go Home Again‘.
We talked about the origins of the podcast, the submissions process, what we have learnt over the last few years and what is next for us. The interview is about 45 minutes long and is well worth a listen, especially if you’ve ever thought about writing for EPT.
Take a look at the rest of Mike’s site when you are there – the podcast is one we listen to regularly and there is plenty of interest on the website!
Check out the shownotes: Get Published Episode 111
The episode is now part of our regular Every Photo Tells… podcast feed as well! :)
Listen to it here:
Direct Download
After numerous requests we decided to open ALL previous photo prompts to submission. You can find the full collection in our GALLERY.
For those of you who have missed deadlines, have half-written stories for us lying around or a story that would really better fit with a different picture. Or maybe you have seen a photo on the site and regretted missing its window? Well, now’s your chance!
With 29 photos under our belt, there should be something to inspire every one of you! Just don’t forget to tell us which of the photos inspired you when you send it in! :)
If you are also inspired by this picture, check out the Submissions page for further information and rules for contributors.
Please send in your written stories by August 31st to: info ( at ) everyphototells ( dot ) com
The box reveals its last artefacts from the past.
by Mick Bordet
Available as a free eBook from Smashwords and Leanpub. The music from each episode is available as a download from Bandcamp.
How did Del’s family entertain themselves through the blackouts and how does the old flute soothe the soul?
by Mick Bordet
Available as a free eBook from Smashwords and Leanpub. The music from each episode is available as a download from Bandcamp.
The audiobook is now also available from Podiobooks.com!
Next out of Del’s box of obscurities is an instrument of revenge and a piece of musical legend.
by Mick Bordet
Available as a free eBook from Smashwords and Leanpub. The music from each episode is available as a download from Bandcamp.
Del’s journey of discovery takes her to her mother’s trip through the Andes and her uncle’s rather peculiar agricultural undertaking.
by Mick Bordet
Available as a free eBook from Smashwords and Leanpub. The music from each episode is available as a download from Bandcamp.
When Del discovers a box full of strange musical instruments in the attic, it reveals more about her family history and holds some secrets to her own past.
by Mick Bordet
You might have noticed that Mick appeared not to have written anything for the last EPT prompt.
Now we can reveal why.
Earlier this year he spent several months creating music with some of the stranger instruments in his collection, blogging about the results and posting the music on Soundcloud. After some final edits and mastering, the music has now become a full album of instrumental gems that stride confidently between rock, classical, jazz, folk and blues.
To make the overall package more interesting, he also created some short stories about each instrument used in the album, but only when the latest EPT prompt appeared did he have the idea that would pull all these tales into one narrative, with the old house providing the perfect location for the whole story. These stories are available in eBook format in the album download (along with a set of photographs by Katharina) as well as being podcast here as a five-part special.
Available as a free eBook from Smashwords.
Listen to the album and download it from Bandcamp.