Photo(s) for the Summer
After numerous requests we decided to open ALL previous photo prompts to submission. You can find the full collection in our GALLERY.
For those of you who have missed deadlines, have half-written stories for us lying around or a story that would really better fit with a different picture. Or maybe you have seen a photo on the site and regretted missing its window? Well, now’s your chance!
With 29 photos under our belt, there should be something to inspire every one of you! Just don’t forget to tell us which of the photos inspired you when you send it in! :)
If you are also inspired by this picture, check out the Submissions page for further information and rules for contributors.
Please send in your written stories by August 31st to: info ( at ) everyphototells ( dot ) com
May 31st, 2013 at 9:37 pm
Just when I think I’m free you try pulling me back in….
You did this on purpose didn’t you?
Okay Fine I accept…
May 31st, 2013 at 10:18 pm