If one of our photos inspires you and you want to write and contribute a story yourself, you are very welcome to do so.
There is, nevertheless, a set of rules.
- We only accept text entries (only *. doc, *.txt or *.rtf attatchments). We will record all submitted stories ourselves.
- Stories have to be between 1,000 and 5,000 words.
- Send stories by email to info ( at ) everyphototells ( dot ) com within the timeline given on the new photo prompt.
- Don’t forget to include your name, link and info in the email, so we can give you full credit for your story.
- We reserve the right to reject a submission without giving a reason. There is a limited number of episodes we will produce every month.
- We only accept submissions by the authors themselves. By submitting you state that you are the author of the story and hold all the rights necessary for publishing on this podcast.
- All rights remain with the author. By submitting a story, contributors agree that the audio version of the story within the podcast will be made available under a Creative Commons licence (by-nc-nd). You also agree that the story can also be released on Podiobooks.
- Photographs and artwork on this website are copyrighted and used with the express permission of their creators (see Photographs section below).
- Ensure your story has been edited before submitting it.
- Read it out loud and make sure it makes sense. Give it to someone else to read in case you missed something.
- Use spell check!!! Always!
- We reserve the right to make minor edits on the story, such as spelling, grammar, etc.
- Mick refuses to say the word “gotten”. All instances of this word will be replaced.
- If a story needs many edits or rewrites, we return them if the story itself is good enough. You will then have until the end of the deadline to edit and re-submit the story.
- If you need to use localised language (slang, product names, place names, etc.) please try to provide an explanation or web link for our listeners from other countries.
For a more detailed explanation about some of these requirements, please read our ‘Resolutions article.
About Creative Commons
We publish this podcast using a Creative Commons licence that allows anyone to copy the audio files and share them with friends and listeners of other podcasts. This, we believe, is the best way to get all our stories circulated to the people who will enjoy them.
The particular licence we use requires anybody copying or broadcasting these works to keep the audio file intact and direct listeners back to the ‘Every Photo Tells…’ website so that listeners have access to contact information about the writers. It also forbids the use of the audio files for commercial purposes.
None of these requirements affect the writers’ ownership rights – stories can be submitted anywhere else by the writers for commercial gain. Indeed, we encourage our writers to do so and are happy to add links that point listeners to buy or download alternative formats of the story.
Images and artwork on this website are all copyrighted by their creators and are not provided with a Creative Commons licence. We are keen to work with everyone who submits their work to EPT to ensure best exposure of the stories (e.g. linking to Smashwords eBook versions of stories), so please ask if you would like to use one of our images to promote or appear within your own works.